יום רביעי, 30 בנובמבר 2011

There's nothing left to say but goodbye

Activity 6: A Writing Activity

Dear Mr. Cattanzara,

It's been a long time since we have seen each other or spoken... I have to say that I really miss you.
I remember 10 years ago when you insisted that I needed to read books, but I never listened to you. Now I feel so sorry about that. I feel like I have wasted a lot of time by doing nothing. I remember that time when I lied to you, I told you that I was reading books. It was so silly in retrospect. 

I was so lazy at that time, but now I have grown up. Thanks to you, I have a job, and also a family with my dear wife Anna. I have already told my kids about you, how you took care of me since I was a child. None of this would have happened without you, thank you so much... You were like my father, my mother and my supporting and caring friend. You were the one who really cared.

I feel so sorry that it was too late for you to fix your situation, and now I understand why it was so important for you to fix mine. It's so sad that I can't give you this letter and I need to keep it in my drawer. You can't see my home, my family and to be with us…

God bless you in heaven. We will always remember you.

Well done!

יום שבת, 12 בנובמבר 2011

My Saturday dress

As the song says "Hanale and her Saturday dress", we can tell that clothing influences our lives. If Hanale doesn't have her Saturday dress, she won't be special. And that's how we can tell that society criticises us by what we wear, and how we should look.

Most people wake up in the morning, spending too much time thinking about what they will wear. Why? Because we care about what people think about us, and it's important for us to fit in. It's not hard to notice that people with designer clothes are more popular than other people. They seem to be wealthy and unique.

Society creates us certain laws to everywhere we go. For example, there is a certain way we should look at school, but there's some other way we should look when we go out to a party or a restaurant. It's obvious to all of us that we feel much better when we love what we're wearing and we feel more comfortable and confident.

In conclusion, clothes can change our confidence, feelings, and happiness. The sad thing is that society judges our clothes. But the saddest thing is that the society is us. We creat our own society and we're the responsibles.