יום שבת, 12 בנובמבר 2011

My Saturday dress

As the song says "Hanale and her Saturday dress", we can tell that clothing influences our lives. If Hanale doesn't have her Saturday dress, she won't be special. And that's how we can tell that society criticises us by what we wear, and how we should look.

Most people wake up in the morning, spending too much time thinking about what they will wear. Why? Because we care about what people think about us, and it's important for us to fit in. It's not hard to notice that people with designer clothes are more popular than other people. They seem to be wealthy and unique.

Society creates us certain laws to everywhere we go. For example, there is a certain way we should look at school, but there's some other way we should look when we go out to a party or a restaurant. It's obvious to all of us that we feel much better when we love what we're wearing and we feel more comfortable and confident.

In conclusion, clothes can change our confidence, feelings, and happiness. The sad thing is that society judges our clothes. But the saddest thing is that the society is us. We creat our own society and we're the responsibles.

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