יום רביעי, 14 בספטמבר 2011

Me, Myself and I

Hello, my name is Chen Azulay and I'm from Kugel high school, Holon. I'm 16 years old (born on April 4th) and I have one brother, who's 19 years old. I have a dog named Sky (by me), and I love my family and friends. I love to have fun, make people laugh and take advantage of every moment in my life. 

First, my most favorite hobby is music. Singing, dancing, playing the piano, listening, writing, composing – that is what makes me happy.  Besides that, my appearance is important to me. I love jewelry and especially my nose piercing. I wanted it since I was in 6th grade, finally I did it in 9th grade. People in general don’t make me angry or hurt, however, I can get really angry by people who are really important to me. I think that this is my weak point, because sometimes I can't listen to anybody but me, and when I think I'm right – I will prove it.

Second, the quality I mostly hate and avoid is hypocrisy. I hate fake smiles and fake behavior. I want people to be honest and sincere with me. Usually, I try to hold in what I'm thinking (in order) to have better relationships with people. In school, some people say that I'm spoiled. I do think I'm spoiled, but in things I really care about I'm very diligent and a perfectionist. I love English (and languages in general), physics, math (sometimes), literature, and usually I can be interested in every subject. However, when I'm not interested in some material, I give up very quickly.

To sum it up, I'm friendly, caring and smiley. I have my own disadvantages, but I'm dealing with them. I love to expand my knowledge and my motto is that the sky is the limit!

Better. Good work!

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